Mackay came to Taiwan and encountered difficulties

  When Dr.Mackay was 26, he came to Taiwan to preach and set up the first church in Tamsui. In order to communicate with the locals more fluently, he learned Taiwanese and Mandarin languages and sophisticated them in only 5 months! With extraordinary speaking abilities and using understandable concepts to attract the locals to learn about Christianity.

  Difficult as it is, Mackay’s bravery and determination helped him overcome many challenges. He used methods such as offering free dental clinics and treating Malaria to gain the people’s trust. After the establishment of the Hobe Mackay Hospital, it offered a proper space to help the locals and let Mackay spread the gospel more efficiently.

  Another secret Mackay had during his missionary career was to  travel relentlessly. His footprints spread across the entire Northern Region and sometimes to the south. He went deep into the forbidden areas of the mountainous native tribes because he was an adventurer. He once led his students to a meeting in Southern Taiwan by walking barefoot.

  In the early years of Japanese Occupation, Mackay actively offered help to the Japanese missionaries to build churches in Taiwan. In the process, his kindness and compassion gained the friendships and trust of the Japanese people, which later helped him with his preaching under the Japanese Occupation. It’s hard to disagree that Mackay had a unique way of infecting people with his charming personality.

Referring URL:Open MuseumTHE TAIWAN-MINPO